LiquorWise was invited to discuss the liquor licensing issues on South Cape FM on 8 April 2013. The regular Monday afternoon slot (4pm - 5pm) for discussing interesting legal topics is hosted by attorney Louise Luterek. Listeners may phone in, sms or email their questions to the guest.
A number of interesting matters were discussed, such as :
- The increased public participation brought about by the new Liquor Act;
- The involvement of the local municipality in reporting on the status of premises to be licensed or on complaints it received from residents about a licensed premises;
- The protection afforded to minors (younger than 18 years);
- The heavy jail sentences and fines which can be imposed;
- Unresolved issues, especially relating to the licensing of shebeens;
- The licensing process under the new Liquor Act;
- Whether the new Liquor Act passed its first 12 months (1 April 2012 - 1 April 2013)?
- The history behind the implementation of the new Liquor Act
LiquorWise' legal advisor stated that it was clear that a lot still needs to be done to address important issues before it may be said that the new Liquor Act fulfilled expectations. A number of important amendments will probably only be passed into law at the end of 2013 / beginning of 2014.
Presenter attorney Louise Luterek promised listeners that this programme will be followed by a further discussion soon, as it was clear that a lot remains to be said and the public are very interested to air their views.