Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Western Cape Liquor Act - Enforcing liquor licence compliance

Western Cape Liquor Act -   In a demonstration of an intention similar to that displayed over the weekend by their Mpumalanga counterparts, Western Cape police destroyed 10 000 litres of liquor on 5 October.   The liquor had been confiscated over the past few months from illegal liquor outlets.  

The value of the confiscated liquor allegedly amounts to hundreds of thousands of rands. Police vowed to raise the level of enforcing compliance to the Western Cape Liquor Act and other liquor related legislation during the next few months. 

(Article & Photo published by EyeWitnessNews, edited by The Licence Co) 

Monday, 5 October 2015

Western Cape Liquor Licence Holders may expect backlash

Western Cape Liquor Act – The hearing of the liquor licence holder of Osi’s Place – a Khayelitsha tavern – by the Western Cape Liquor Licensing Tribunal has been widely reported in all media.   The emphasis in reports have rightly focused on the death of eight women, as well as the probability of the liquor licence in question being cancelled.   The effect of the evidence led in the hearing is, however, likely to have a much more lasting effect on liquor licence compliance in the Western Cape than the initial uproar.

Liquor licence holders can expect designated liquor officers (DLO) throughout the Western Cape to be under a lot pressure to ensure a high level compliance to their liquor licence conditions.   The view is that neglect to enforce compliance of seemingly less important conditions typically lead to non-compliance of more serious conditions.  This follows the DLO’s alledged lack of action in case of minor transgressions over time in the case of Osi’s tavern.  A common theme of dangerous situations is overcrowding.   It can therefore be expected that municipal authorities will be asked to assist by clamping down on liquor licence holders who do not comply to municipal by-laws, especially those relating to the issuing of population certificates and safety of crowds. 

The message to liquor licence holders is clear – ensure you comply to your licence conditions or face the possibility of harsh penalties.  

Mpumalang Liquor Act enforced vigorously

Liquor ActThe Mpumalanga Liquor Act has probably never been enforced more vigorously than during a “blitz” over the weekend of 2 October 2015.   The following agencies inspected 33 liquor outlets :
  • ·         National Liquor Authority
  • ·         Provincial Liquor Authority
  • ·         DTI officials
  • ·         SAPS
  • ·         Department of Home Affairs.

This resulted in no fewer than 14 being closed down, as well as 24 compliance notices and fines of R31 500 being issued.   Outlets across the entire liquor licence spectrum were targeted and included wholesale distributors, manufacturers, restaurants and taverns.   The outlets were situated in Middleburg, Mhluzi, Vosman, Lynnville, Ackerville and Witbank.  
The liquor outlets were inspected due to suspected non-compliance to the National Liquor Act and the Mpumalanga Liquor Act, according to NLA’s Advocate Nkosi.   The increased prevalence of the illegal leasing of liquor licences were found to be a cause of concern.  
The wide legislative “net” cast by these authorities has proven to be extremely effective due to very little leeway offered to non-compliant liquor outlets.   We predict that this pattern of action is set to continue as authorities want to emphasize the message that any illegal behaviour relating to liquor will not be tolerated.    
(Article by www.allafrica.com, edited by The Licence Co (LiquorWise Division)