Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Managers of licensed businesses trained in Southern Cape

Western Cape Liquor Act - The Western Cape Liquor Authority has agreed to host regular training sessions for current and prospective managers in the Southern Cape.   Section 45 of the Western Cape Liquor Act states that the Liquor Licensing Tribunal can determine training and education requirements for licence holders.

The latest session was hosted at the Oceans Hotel on 12 February 2016 and was attended by approximately 40 managers and owners of licensed businesses.

Host, Liezl Cameron-Kolala (WCLA), Louise Nel (Ruiterbosch Lodge), Riaan Jordaan (Gannet Restaurant)

Licensed businesses in the Southern Cape can contact LiquorWise to reserve a booking for the next training session.   The Western Cape Liquor Authority is expected to release the training dates for the remainder of 2016 soon.

Western Cape Liquor Act - Amendments Implemented

Liquor Act - Amendments to the Western Cape Liquor Act will be implemented in stages during 2016.   The first sections to be implemented are the following  - Sections 1(d), (f), (h) and (k); 2(b); 6(a), (d) and (g); 9(b) and (d); 15; 19; 30; 31; 32; 33; 37(c), (d) and (e); 39(c) and (d); and 40.

These amendments came into operation on 15 March 2016. 

Please contact LiquorWise for more information or subscribe to the LiquorWise Newsletter for monthly updates.