Thursday, 13 November 2014

Amendments to WC Liquor Act - Going to Parliament

Liquor Act -  Amendments to the Liquor Act will be introduced to the Provincial Parliament following approval by the WC Cabinet on 12 November.   The main aim of the amendments are to allow easier enforcement of the Act and improve the processing of liquor licence applications.

The main amendments relate to :

  • Introducing new grounds for the closure of licensed premises and furthering the provisions for the search, entry and inspection of licensed premises without the requirement of a warrant and the inclusion of peace officers in the enforcement of the Act;
  • Repealing the provision that prohibits unlicensed persons from having more than a prescribed quantity of liquor in their possession (150 litres);
  • To ensure that a quorum is reached at each Liquor Licencing Tribunal meeting – ad hoc substitute members may now be appointed. The Presiding Officer will be able to delegate  his or her powers or functions.  Up to 3 Deputy Presiding Officers can be appointed, which should allow for much improved turnaround times of liquor licence application approvals;
  • Amendment to the provisions of the Act dealing with temporary and special events licenses;
  • Prohibiting persons under the age of 18 years from being allowed into the restricted areas of premises licensed to sell liquor for consumption on the premises; and
  • Simplifying and clarifying the provisions regarding trading days and hours in instances where a municipality has not determined the trading days and hours for the sale of liquor for consumption on and off licensed premises.

The public and role players in the liquor industry will be able to submit their comments on the bill once it has been published.  

Please contact us for more detail on the proposed amendments.

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